Bixbite / Red Beryl / Red Emerald

   Your trusted old mine direct source online for 100% Genuine & Real Bixbite
    Crystal Specimens, & Certified AAA Fine Natural Faceted Red Beryl Gemstones
from the Ruby Violet Claims, Wah Wah Mountains of Utah, USA, on Planet Earth.

BIXBITE (Red Beryl, named for Mineralologist "Maynard Bixby" who discovered it in 1904 )
also referred to in the jewelry trade as a "Red Emerald" is one of the rarest, the most valuable,
& most beautiful Gems known. Gem grade Bixbite jewels can rival even the finest Burma Rubies
and are thousands of times more rare in their very limited geological ocurrence only in the USA.

                                            2.59 ct. Colombian Emerald & 2.91 ct. Bixbite (Red Beryl), both members of the Beryl species. (

Fine example of a vivid & bright,  all natural Magenta color Bixbite with intense electric hue & no oil.

There is much more Bixbite info & inventory coming very soon! Please bookmark this site & remember to visit us frequently for these rare gems!


Rare top gem quality, vivid "Stoplight Red" color all natural Utah, USA - Bixbite/Red Beryl Gemstone.